Mission Statement
Through dedication to our Catholic Faith and a caring environment, we strive to live a Christ centered life. We believe that through worship, education and service we may hand on an authentic faith to provide hope for our next generation.
Vision Statement
In order to fulfill our mission we are committed to the repair of our facilities, the development of the religious education program and the responsible use of our parish activity center.
Declaración de la Misión
A través de la dedicación a nuestra Fe Católica y de un ambiente acogedor, nos esmeramos por vivir una vida enfocada en Cristo. Creemos que por medio de la oración, la educación y el servicio podremos entregar una fe autentica con el fin de brindar la esperanza a nuestra siguiente generación.
Declaración de la Visión
Con el fin de cumplir con nuestra misión nos comprometemos con la reparación de nuestras instalaciones, el desarrollo del programa de educación religiosa y el uso responsable del centro de actividades de nuestra parroquia.
Saturdays: 4pm-4:45pm
St. Mary's Homecoming & Festival invites everyone to join them for their annual Festival on October 6. A delicious meal of Spaghetti will be served from 11am-2pm (adults $13, children $10). There will be live music during the meal, mexican food, children's games, live and silent auctions, bingo, and baked goods for sale. Hamburgers will also be available. Enjoy a day of good food and fun for the whole family!
Requesting a Mass Intention is a spiritual and supportive way to honor and remember loved ones both living and deceased. To set a Mass intention please go to or call the church office. Note: weekend Masses Intentions are extremely limited. However, plenty of spots are open for weekday Masses. A $5.00 donation per Mass Intention is accepted. WE HAVE OUR 2025 MASS INTENTION RECORD BOOK IN, IF YOU WANT TO PLAN EARLY!
Year of Prayer from Diocese of Austin on Vimeo.