Saturdays: 4pm-4:45pm
La Campaña de Servicios Católicos (CSA): La CSA (2024-2025) está marcha y apoya a más de 100 programas y ministerios en la Diócesis de Austin. El año pasado, gracias a su apoyo y generosidad, nuestra parroquia recibió un bono de $5,000.00 por superar nuestra meta. Este año pedimos nuevamente su apoyo y generosidad. ¡Hagámoslo posible otra vez! Cuando damos, recibiremos. (Lucas 6:38) "Porque es en dar que recibimos.". (San Francisco de Asis) ¡Gracias!
The Catholic Services Appeal (CSA): CSA (2024-2025) is underway and supports over 100 programs and ministries in the Diocese of Austin. Last year, because of your support and generosity, our parish received a bonus of $5,000.00 for surpassing our goal. This year, we are appealing to your support & generosity. Let's make it happen again! When we give, we will receive. (Luke 6:38) "For it is in giving that we receive." (St. Francis of Assisi) Thank you!
Requesting a Mass Intention is a spiritual and supportive way to honor and remember loved ones both living and deceased. To set a Mass intention please go to or call the church office. Note: weekend Masses Intentions are extremely limited. However, plenty of spots are open for weekday Masses. A $5.00 donation per Mass Intention is accepted. WE HAVE OUR 2025 MASS INTENTION RECORD BOOK IN, IF YOU WANT TO PLAN EARLY!
Year of Prayer from Diocese of Austin on Vimeo.